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VetRx for Rabbit is 100% All-Natural and is used to promote healthy upper respiratory function.

Recommended for all breeds raised commercially, as a hobby or for showing.

Available in 2 oz or 32 oz Size

Download Product Information for Veterinary Aid for Rabbit

VetRx - Veterinary Aid for Rabbit

  • Rabbit Aid

    Use on all standard breeds raised commercially, as a hobby or for showing. For the support of healthy upper respiratory function.


    Shake bottle well to help mix contents. Use VetRx warm. To warm, open cap. Put bottle in small pan of water. Heat at medium temperature. Always test temperature of product before applying. Place 2 drops of warm VetRx on each side of nostrils and to any scabbed area. Repeat two or three times per day as needed. 8 drops per gallon in clean drinking water can help speed results. Supports return to healthy eating habits. Helps keeps ears clear and clean. Apply by the drop or with a Q-tip swab. Be sure to dampen inside of ear. Do not dig off the scabs. The scab should eventually be shaken off by the rabbit. After 24 hours, dampen area for the second time. Repeat again after 36 hours. Wait three more days and add two drops into ears. This should result in clean and clear ears. If, at this time, scabs have not been shaken off by the rabbit, use a damp Q-Tip and gently remove remaining scales and crust from ear. Note: VetRx will leave an oily film on skin and fur. This will not burn the skin or remove hair.


    Of course, while you are caring for animals you will want to follow usual precautions. If animals are sick, isolate them from healthy ones. Clean all hutches and nest boxes. Keep Rabbits as clean and dry as possible. Keep animals away from drafts. When a rabbit has been to a show, it is wise to isolate it from the others for several days. VetRx Rabbit Aid is ideal for use by children who raise rabbits. It is safe to use and easy to apply. Always provide adult supervision. 


    For animal use only. Not for human consumption. Use only as directed. Keep away from children. Consult a licensed veterinarian when needed. If you have any questions or comments concerning the use of VetRx call us at 1-800-554-1080.

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