The following retailers currently sell our products.
Please call or contact retailers directly for exact product availability; we cannot guarantee the following retailers have these products in stock.
VetRx Products
Caged Bird 2 oz
Jeffers Pet
(800) 533-3377
Kwik Retail
(480) 656-4822
Sanum of Puerto Rico
(787) 755-6225
PBS Animal Health Store
(800) 321-0235
Cat and Kitten 2 oz
Jeffers Pet
(800) 533-3377
Western Saddlery
(800) 833-5085
Heritage Animal Health
(800) 225-7399
Valley Vet Supply
(800) 419-9524
K&K Veterinary Supply
(800) 345-5838
PBS Animal Health Store
(800) 321-0235
Dog and Puppy 2 oz
Jeffers Pet
(800) 533-3377
Western Saddlery
(800) 833-5085
Healthy Pets
(800) 889-9475
Heritage Animal Health
(800) 225-7399
PBS Animal Health Store
(800) 321-0235
Equine 1 qt
Jeffers Pet
(800) 533-3377
San Dieguito Equine Group
(760) 591-9952
Heritage Animal Health
(800) 225-7399
Valley Vet Supply
(800) 419-9524
Goat and Sheep 2 oz
Jeffers Pet
(800) 533-3377
Heritage Animal Health
(800) 225-7399
Valley Vet Supply
(800) 419-9524
Caprine Supply
(800) 646-7736
K&K Veterinary Supply
(800) 345-5838
PBS Animal Health Store
(800) 321-0235
Pigeon 2 oz
Western Saddlery
(800) 833-5085
Healthy Pets
(800) 889-9475
Foys Pigeon Supply
(877) 355-7727
PBS Animal Health Store
(800) 321-0235
Poultry 2 oz
Jeffers Pet
(800) 533-3377
Fuller Supply Company Inc.
(205) 323-4431
Heritage Animal Health
(800) 225-7399
Murray McMurray Hatchery
(800) 456-3280
Valley Vet Supply
(800) 419-9524
Bass Equipment
(800) 798-0150
Farmacia Veterinaria Independencia
(333) 617-7279
K&K Veterinary Supply
(800) 345-5838
PBS Animal Health Store
(800) 321-0235
Poultry 1 qt
Jeffers Pet
(800) 533-3377
Heritage Animal Health
(800) 225-7399
Murray McMurray Hatchery
(800) 456-3280
PBS Animal Health Store
(800) 321-0235
Rabbit 2 oz
Jeffers Pet
(800) 533-3377
Bass Equipment
(800) 369-7518
Heritage Animal Health
(800) 225-7399
Valley Vet Supply
(800) 419-9524
Pointer Hill Pet Products
(888) 331-2243
Klubertanz Equipment Co.
(800) 237-3899
Pointer Hill Pet Products
(888) 331-2243
Fanciers Specialty Co.
(519) 634-5607
All Things Bunnies
PBS Animal Health Store
(800) 321-0235
LeGear Products
Udder Ointment 14 oz
Valley Vet Supply
(800) 419-9524
Heritage Animal Health
(800) 225-7399
PBS Animal Health Store
(800) 321-0235
Goodwinol Products
Goodwinol Ointment 1 oz
Healthy Pets
(800) 889-9475
Jeffers Pet
(800) 533-3377
Heritage Animal Health
(800) 225-7399
Revival Animal Health
(800) 369-7518
PBS Animal Health Store
(800) 321-0235
Goodwinol Ointment 1 lb
Jeffers Pet
(800) 533-3377
Heritage Animal Health
(800) 225-7399
Goodwinol Shampoo 8 oz
Healthy Pets
(800) 889-9475
Revival Animal Health
(800) 369-7518
Heritage Animal Health
(800) 225-7399
Goodwinol Shampoo 1 qt
Healthy Pets
(800) 889-9475
Revival Animal Health
(800) 369-7518
Heritage Animal Health
(800) 225-7399
Goodwinol Shampoo 1 gal
Healthy Pets
(800) 889-9475
Revival Animal Health
(800) 369-7518
Are you a retailer of Goodwinol, LeGear, or VetRx products and need to be added to our retailer list? Visit our Dealer and Distributor Information page to submit a request to have your location added.